Company details:
Company name:
Business address:
Business contact number:
Is your business VAT registered?
VAT number:
Does your business have a company registration number?
Company registration number:
Business currency:
Type of supplier:
Are you a freelancer?
Is your company an SME?
If your turnover is less than £50m and/or you have less than 250 employees, answer yes.
Bank details:
For security purposes, please provide a copy of your bank details on company headed paper.
Bank name:
Account name:
Account number/IBAN
Sort code/Swift code
Accounts details:
Main accounts contact name:
Main accounts contact email:
Main accounts telephone number:
Senior finance contact name:
Senior finance contact email:
Senior finance telephone number:
Is your business independent?
i.e. not owned by a public entity or a private entity outside the UK?
Is your business majority owned by women or individuals from under-represented groups?
i.e. if your business majority owned by those who have traditionally not had equal access to economic opportunities because of discrimination or other societal barriers. The following characteristics may qualify an individual as being part of a previously excluded group: gender, ethnicity, sexual-orientation, age, disabilities, immigration background and/or low-income status
Corporate governance:
Please confirm if you have the below policies in place for your business...
Corporate ethics/responsibility policy:
Modern slavery policy:
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy:
General data protection regulation policy and privacy statement:
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy:
Please give a summary of your equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives, if you have any:
Employment practices:
Are you providing us goods or services?
If you are providing us with services, what percentage of your staff are directly employed by you?
Please enter a number between 0 and 100
Do you pay all people the real Living Wage?
For more information see:
What percentage of your workforce is from under-represented groups?
i.e. what percentage of your workforce are those who have traditionally not had equal access to economic opportunities because of discrimination or other societal barriers. The following characteristics may qualify an individual as being part of a previously excluded group: gender, ethnicity, sexual-orientation, age, disabilities, immigration background and/or low-income status.
Please enter a number between 0 and 100.
What are your standard working hours?
We are keen to work with our supply chain to help them improve their sustainability and ours. We track our Scope 3 carbon emissions (those generated by our supply chain) and completing these questions will help us.
Do you have a sustainability and/or environmental policy?
Does your company have any of the following sustainability or environmental accreditations?
Which other sustainability, environmental, social and governance issues do you actively manage that go beyond what is required in law?
e.g. employee well-being, renewable energy use. Please provide a short explanation for each issue managed below
Carbon emissions:
Please indicate what stage you are at with managing your carbon emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions from our operations (Scope 1 & 2)
Greenhouse gas emissions of our products, ingredients and supply chain (Scope 3)
Reducing energy consumption
What percentage of your energy consumption is from renewables?
Please enter a number between 0 and 100.
Please ensure all invoices and statements are sent to By ticking below, you confirm that all information entered into this form is correct.
Main contact name:
Email address:
Mobile number: